A year ago, Infront had its compliance management system certified according to ISO standards 37301 and 37001 in a thorough audit process. The system has now successfully passed the first yearly recertification audit in both standards. Read what is behind the ISO certification, how Infront’s stakeholders benefit from it and what measures have been implemented in the previous 12 months to obtain recertification.
What does it mean to have an ISO-certified Compliance Management System?
It signifies that Infront possesses an effective system that adheres to international standards, ensuring the prevention and early detection of inappropriate business behaviour. This certification significantly reduces the liability and reputation risks faced by our company. We are certified in both ISO 37301:2021 (Compliance Management System) and ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Corruption Management System).
Who benefits from that?
A state-of-the-art compliance management firstly offers our employees additional protection. In addition, third parties can trust that we work ethically and morally correct and that our business practices are impeccable.
Why does Infront aim for annual recertification?
We strive to foster a positive compliance culture throughout the entire Infront Group. The annual re-certification process in the mentioned ISO standards ensures that we not only maintain our high standards but also continuously improve them. This commitment ensures our compliance efforts remain current and effective.
What measures have we taken over the past 12 months to further strengthen our compliance efforts?
Compliance and ethical conduct are now formal components of both the annual performance evaluation of our employees and the top management review. This step enhances the accountability and oversight of our compliance management system.
Furthermore, we are committed to raising awareness of compliance matters also outside our organisation and currently developing a risk-based training concept for third parties.

Infront‘s ISO certified compliance
Since its introduction in 2012, Infront's group-wide compliance management system has been continuously developed under the leadership of Barbara Lustenberger (see below). This resulted in certification according to two ISO standards in 2022. Infront has set itself the goal of annual recertification in both standards:
ISO 37301: 2021 (Compliance Management System)
This standard defines the requirements for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving an effective compliance management system within organisations and provides related recommendations for action.
ISO 37001: 2016 (Anti-Corruption Management System)
This standard defines the requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and improvement of anti-corruption management systems and contains corresponding recommendations for action.
Barbara Lustenberger, Senior Director Group Compliance at Infront, implemented and developed Infront’s compliance management system and is responsible for its yearly ISO re-certification.